
Varicose veins: how to prevent and treat

Varicose veins: how to prevent and treat


What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are dilated and tortuous veins and easily identifiable by are located under the skin. Varicose veins are encompassed in the name Chronic Venous (DVC).
What causes varicose veins?
There are several causes for the appearance of varicose veins. One is congenital or inherited weakness of the vein walls, which makes them easily swellable by the natural blood pressure. Exposure to heat, physical inactivity, go to remain long standing and excess weight are other factors that can favor the appearance of varicose veins. The aging process itself is an aggravating factor of this problem.

Varicose veins are a frequent problem?
Yes. It is estimated that in Portugal about 25% of the population suffer from chronic venous disease. Due to hormonal component and pregnancy, women suffer more from this problem.

What are the main symptoms of chronic venous disease?
Pain is the main complaint, that can manifest itself through the feeling of heavy and tired legs, cramps, numbness and itching. It can also occur swelling, especially in the ankles and feet, which intensifies the end of the day or when there is prolonged exposure to heat.

As diagnose varicose veins?
The physician may detect varicose veins through clinical observation and to determine its stage can hold up a Doppler or echo doppler not painful or invasive tests that must be performed by a specialist.

Varicose veins can be serious?
When there are changes in the color and consistency of the skin and this becomes brown, scaly and hardened, these signals may be precursors of a varicose ulcer, debilitating clinical condition that is difficult to treat and with significant impact in the image and self-esteem.

Currently, that treatments exist for Chronic Venous Disease?
Treatment should be done by a specialist in Angiology / Vascular Surgery. 
The conservative therapy covers the daily care of skin hydration, administration of flebotónicos drugs (which help the venous circulation) and the use of elastic stockings or bandages. 
In the group of non-conservative treatments include sclerotherapy (injected is a substance that will destroy the vessel), laser therapy (transcutaneous or endovascular), radio frequency and classical surgery 
("Stripping" ). According to each case, the doctor will make the most appropriate therapeutic option.

The Chronic venous disease be prevented?
To prevent varicose veins, adopt such measures in their day-to-day:
  • Hydrate the body daily;
  • Do not use tight-fitting jeans, garters, girdles, stockings that are too tight in the ankle area or tight boots;
  • There is long standing, stopped / a. Walk around or put up on tiptoe several times;
  • Avoid being too long and sitting with legs crossed, especially if the seats have a hard edge. Move your legs regularly;
  • Do not bath with very hot water;
  • Avoid excess weight, tobacco and alcoholic beverages;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to heat. On the beach, try walking by the sea;
  • On warmer days, massage the legs with cold water using the shower, from the bottom up, for about 2 minutes;
  • Consult a Vascular Surgery specialist if you have any of these symptoms: pain, feeling of heavy and tired legs, cramps, numbness, itching or swelling that gets worse in the evening or 
  •  when there is prolonged exposure to heat.
  • >>>Click here more information<<<

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