
Understand how to prevent varicose veins in the legs

Understand how to prevent varicose veins in the legs

Healthy habits, balanced weight and early treatment are greatest allies against the problem

Varicose veins are dilated veins, tortuous and insufficient. Usually some people are born with a predisposition, a family tendency to develop them. This information is very important because if you know you have this tendency, so must cultivate healthy habits to prevent.

                  Click more  how to get rid of varicose veins naturally 

To prevent varicose veins most important is to avoid getting long periods standing in the same position or even sitting for long periods. Also, keep the weight balanced and practice physical activity regular, which mainly work the calf muscles are fundamental attitudes. Women should also be careful with the use of female hormones, birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. When properly indicated, they should indeed be used, but always with monitoring angiologist, which can treat the first varicose veins that may appear.

Another form of prevention is to use medical elastic compression stockings, which give comfort, avoid pain, heaviness and swelling. Treat the first signs of varicose disease is also a great way to prevent the spread of the problem. Today we have drugs that act on inflammation of the vein wall preventing the progression of varicose vein disease, treatment with sclerotherapy, which is drug delivery into the diseased vessel, removing it and allowing circulation to continue to flow by other normal vessels. If all else fails, we can make use of minimally invasive surgery to remove varicose veins still in its infancy, preventing the extension and the worsening of the condition.

There are other triggers that can not be prevented, but softened. Among these are pregnancy , which, by hormonal changes, weight gain, and growth of the uterus, favor the appearance of varicose veins. In these cases it is important the woman does not gain too much weight, physical activity compatible with pregnancy and elastic stockings for pregnant women.

Another factor is age. Time passes, whether we like it or not, and is a major triggering factor for varicose veins because the vein walls become weaker and prone to dilate. In this case, it is what we have spoken above, that is, cultivate good living habits early as not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, physical activity and, above all, think health to have a long and healthy life.

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