
Homemade cream of aloe vera and apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

Homemade cream of aloe vera and apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

Varices . How to get rid of them? They are painful and unsightly, a nuisance with which we women have become accustomed to live, either by genetic inheritance, either by lifestyle habits that favored their appearance. There are many people who end up resorting to surgery, but can also follow simple guidelines to alleviate its impact.
Homemade cream of aloe vera and apple cider vinegar for varicose veins 

How to make a home-cream for our varicose veins?

But what are varicose veins? Why has this fiery tone in our skin? Well, in one way or another we know what they are, appear in our legs because of poor circulation , a venous insufficiency caused by an enzymatic alteration of the vessel wall, where blood does not return properly to the heart. Generally very weighs factor genetic, but we have to take into account that a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet can also favor its appearance. Blood stagnates in the area of calves, is when the tingling occurs, cramps , feeling of heavy legs, etc.You know what we're talking about, right?
Well, but let's look at this with objectivity, to try to alleviate their impact have to have a lot of willpower. Miracles do not exist, we've got it clear, if we have some very inflamed veins, we will need in the first place medication to prevent thrombosis and improve circulation.When veins are very large, it is recommended surgery to avoid more serious problems. In the case that your varicose veins are not too exaggerated, then it is highly recommended to follow the guidelines that we are presenting you. Let us begin by homemade cream .

What do I need ?
This mask is very simple to do, what is really important is that we are constantly in the application. What we need Quiet, you will not spend a lot of money and we guarantee that your makeup is really effective to relieve varicose veins of the legs: Take note:
  • A carrot
  • Aloe vera (the same amount as carrot, squash extract thereof)
  • Half apple cider vinegar cup or as needed.

How to prepare?

  • To make this simple homemade mask for varicose veins , the first thing we will do is take the carrot mixer to process it well and get a smooth mixture.
  • Okay, once achieved, we will add the Aloe vera or aloe . We'll put the same proportion of the pulp of aloe vera that carrot. To achieve this pulp Aloe, what we have to do is carefully taking first the thorns from the stalks, so open across and extract the pulp (the transparent part) with the help of a spoon.
  • What's the next step? Add the apple cider vinegar . The amount you should adjust it more or less eye, enough to create a smooth paste with carrot and aloe, which is not too liquid, but not too thick, or does not pass varicose veins.
  • Now, to get a smooth and homogeneous cream, put the ingredients to blender. You are done! But be careful to apply it you should do it in a very specific way: go through with a massage and rising from the ankles to the calves, with the help of hands and prioritizing transport to the top.
  • Once you have already applied to the legs, let this mask to relieve varicose veins act for half an hour. Then remove it with warm water.
  • You can apply this cream every day when you get home. We emphasize that if one day you do not have time or do not have all the ingredients, you can prepare a wet towels only with apple cider vinegar. Put them wherever you are varicose veins and leave act for 20 minutes. It is also very effective.
  • Remember also to maintain a healthy, varied and balanced diet, as well as do a little physical exercise every day. Just, for example, walking every day between half an hour to an hour. It does not cost us anything and do much for your health!
  • Click more  how to get rid of varicose veins naturally 

1 comment:

  1. تعتبر القدم السكرية من المضاعفات التي تصيب مرضى السكري ، حيث تكون القدم ناتجة عن الإهمال الشديد لسكر دم المريض والإهمال الشديد للجروح والقروح وتورم المنطقة المصابة بمرض السكري ، ويؤدي هذا المرض إلى مخاطر أكثر خطورة وتعقيدا ، مثل خطر الإصابة بالمرض.بتر القدم أو جزء منه ، يمكن علاج غرغرينا القدم السكري ، من قبل العديد من الأطباء مثل جراحة العظام والجراحة العامة والطبيب و دكتور اوعية دموية
